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  • Writer's pictureSarah Nantel


I recently decided to do something for myself. As a working wife, and mom of two, I very rarely have the time to spend taking care of myself. As I'm sure many of you can relate! In terms of morning beauty routine, I am VERY low maintenance. I moisturize, brush my teeth, and maybe fill in my brows a little bit! I'm fairly confident and try not to let the imperfections I notice on my body bother me too much. I do however, HATE my spider veins! I feel WAY too young to feel the need to hide my legs. Especially in the summer, I feel self-conscious in dresses, shorts and bathing suits, all because of these silly veins on the backs of my legs. They're dark and squiggly and to me, so noticeable!!

A girl relaxing on a yacht in a black bathing suit in the aqua waters of a tropical island

As SOON as I heard about Laser Vein Therapy, I was beyond intrigued.

I contacted the clinic and after one phone conversation, booked myself in for the procedure immediately. When I got there, I was greeted and taken to a beautiful, clean room where I met Aiden, who answered all of my questions. I had a lot!! I never felt rushed or dismissed. I gained so much knowledge during that pre-procedure consultation. I so appreciated how thoroughly she explained the process before beginning, and I was shocked at how quick each session was. The pain part is pinchy, kind of like the snap of an elastic band, but as soon as the laser stops, the pain stops.

Laser vein therapy as an effective treatment for spider veins.

Laser vein therapy as an effective treatment for spider veins.

I was surprised to learn that spider veins are hereditary, and can appear as young as 18 years of age. Beyond genetics, there are many other causes of spider veins such as, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, age, and even certain occupations that involve being on your feet for long periods of time can cause damage to the capillaries which leads to spider veins. I learned that spider veins occur when our veins weaken and fail to pump our blood steadily in one direction. The pooling blood collects and swells the vein, bringing it closer to the skins surface and making it very visible under the skin. When I understood how shallow the laser needed to penetrate, my mind was put at ease and I was excited to experience the positive effects of laser!

Laser vein therapy as an effective treatment for spider veins.

IMMEDIATELY after the service, my spider veins were WILDLY IMPROVED. Almost eliminated entirely. I was shocked and beyond pleased. The best part is, it isn't one of those procedures that require maintenance and several visits back to the clinic each month - once they're gone, they're gone! Which makes the service cost effective as well. If you do have any spots that need a follow up, you simply book in for a quick touch up. Easy peasy!

Laser vein therapy for treatment of spider veins.

I have since encouraged many of my friends and family members to book Laser Vein Therapy for themselves to target their unwanted spider veins. Every single one of them has expressed how happy they are and how much it has improved their confidence since they've had it done. If you are considering laser for your spider veins, don't wait. It's low-risk, quick, and easy. Go do something for YOU!

Laser vein therapy as an effective treatment for spider veins.

Laser vein therapy as an effective treatment for spider veins.

Laser vein therapy as an effective treatment for spider veins.

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