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  • Writer's pictureSarah Nantel


What is the most adult decision you’ve ever had to make?

For me, there are three that come to mind: buying a home, starting a family, and getting life insurance.

A family on the beach looking at the water with 5 little girls playing in the sand.

When Isla was first born, I remember having this panic attack in the car with my sister. We were supposed to be headed up to Edmonton to see our parents, but I just kept thinking something bad was going to happen, so I made her turn around and drive us back home. I realize now that , it was an irrational thought, but when you’re 4 months postpartum, any mom can tell you that your mind can run wild!

When we got back to my house, I decided it was time to talk to Mark about financially protecting our family because I wanted to know my daughter would be taken care of if something were to happen to us. With Noa now a part of our family, it’s even more important to make sure everyone is protected.

I know that just the thought of Life Insurance alone can seem daunting – and expensive. Where do you begin? How do you find a company? How much coverage do we need? What will this cost me? But when Mark and I were searching for life insurance options, we came across PolicyMe. They are an online life insurance company that allows Canadian parents to buy affordable term life insurance in minutes.

A family stand-in together at a fruit orchard in Kelowna BC at sunset smiling at each other.

PolicyMe is simplifying the life insurance process and passing the savings on to parents. From the comfort of your own home the majority of parents can apply and receive a decision instantly without a medical exam. If you’re like Mark and I, you know how insanely busy life can get and the thought of coordinating times, getting a babysitter and going in for a meeting with a traditional advisor is a pain. We loved that we could go through the application together while the girls played beside us. This process doesn’t have to be daunting!

Mark and I found that PolicyMe had the lowest rates in Canada, approximately 10-20% lower than other insurers! And what can sometimes take weeks to accomplish, took us around 15 minutes which was such an amazing feeling. There is no need to speak to any agents or have to wait to hear back from underwriters. Once you get your policy, you can review it and sign off when you’re ready. That’s it!

Because there are so many things Mark and I didn’t know before researching life insurance, I wanted to share with you what we learned during this experience:

Did you know that 77% of Canadian parents with dependants have life insurance?

70% of Canadian parents with children under 18 have life insurance through their work benefits (Group Life Insurance), BUT this is often not enough to cover their family. Of these parents, 44% rely solely on this benefit which is typically insufficient to protect their family.

Only 33% of parents with children under 18 have term life insurance. This is the life insurance product that most parents need.

50% of parents who don’t have life insurance say they haven’t bought it because it is too expensive.

Get yourself the coverage and protection your family deserves in just minutes. For Mark and I, this has been a learning experience that we are grateful for. I’ll never forget how I felt in the car that day and I’m glad it propelled us towards protecting the financial future of our family. Head to the PolicyMe website to learn more and get your personalized quote today.

PolicyMe is the life insurance you need.

PolicyMe is the life insurance you need.

PolicyMe is the life insurance you need.

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